
Lookup API

Validate Phone Numbers with Lookup

Find out if the mobile phone numbers in your database are invalid, inactive, unreachable, or ported, with our Lookup feature for Home Location Register.

Increase the ROI of your mobile campaigns

Optimize Costs

Use our Lookup feature to identify unserviceable numbers and save communication costs in each campaign.

Global Reach

Check the validity of phone numbers in your home country and all the other places your business functions in.

Gather Rich Data

Avail reliable details about the validity, portability, network operator, and roaming status of the phone numbers in your database.

Plan Campaigns

Devise geographic marketing and promotional activities using your customers’ network carrier details.

Use Zypher’s HLR API for Enterprises

Benefit from our International Presence

We have more than 1600+ connections with network operators, so you can validate phone numbers in more than 190 countries.

Lookup Unlimited Contacts

Whatever is the scale of your database, we process it with speed and accuracy. There is no upper limit to the number of contacts you can upload.

Experience an Intuitive Interface

Perform lookup for thousands or millions of contacts from our easy-to-use platform, in just a few clicks.




Operator Connections




API Uptime


Millio SMS


Million Voice Calls

We’re ready to help you design the perfect communication experiences for your customers.