
Verification API

Neutralize authentication frauds

Validate the authenticity of users with one-time passwords whenever they log in, perform transactions, make changes to their accounts.

Protect your customers and your business: use 2FA (2-factor Authentication)

Enhance Security

Safeguard your business against scammers and fraudulent users. In turn, gain the trust of your customers by securing their data and information on your platform.

Customize Flow

Tailor the sequence of OTP generation as per your preferences. Choose the order of channels, the time interval between them, and the duration of expiration.

Monitor Authentication

On our user-friendly dashboard, you can swiftly view the OTPs generated and their usage status. Each OTP expires after its successful single-use..

Regulate Permissions

You can choose to allow only specific IP addresses to accept authentication responses, further ensuring uncompromisable security.

Email and SMS verification OTPs

Whatever is the channel you want to use, we provide a secure platform where the generated OTPs are secured, encrypted and stored only temporarily..

Fast and scalable OTP system

Instant Verification

Powered by our robust cloud communication system, Verify delivers 98% of the OTP authentication messages within 5 seconds.

Scalable Integration

Conduct verification for thousands of users at a time without any hassle. Our API can easily integrate with all of your digital platforms.

Proven Communications Technology




Operator Connections




API Uptime


Millio SMS


Million Voice Calls

We’re ready to help you design the perfect communication experiences for your customers.